Third Jiangsu Development Summit ready to kick off
1002 guests from various fields such as technology, education, healthcare, cultural and sports, media, finance, industry and commerce, overseas organizations, and the overseas Chinese communities will participate in the 3rd Jiangsu Development Summit, including 420 overseas guests, 286 guests from outside the province, and 296 guests from within the province.
“The conference will see an obvious improvement in the representativeness, influence, and popularity of the guests. A large number of academicians from home and abroad, leaders of key universities, key leaders of state-owned enterprises, and leaders of Fortune 500 enterprises will participate in the conference, which can be described as a gathering of talents and elites,” said Yang Genping, Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Director of Provincial Party Committee Office.
The Jiangsu Development Forum will be held on the morning of May 20th, followed by four simultaneous themed forums, including the Zijinshan Science and Technology Forum, the Yangtze River Business Summit, and the Cultural Jiangsu Construction Forum. On the 21st, the guests will return to their respective hometowns for inspection.
The first and second Jiangsu Development Summits held in 2017 and 2019 respectively achieved the expected goals of communication, intellectual cohesion, and practical cooperation with guests from home and abroad gathering to seek shared development.
- Third Jiangsu Development Summit ready to kick off
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