
2023-02-06 22:48:30


2、正文:Alligator is my specialty animals, has been endangered.译文:扬子鳄是我国特产动物,已频临灭绝。

3、China has made it a national-level protected animals.译文:我国已经把它列为国家一级保护动物。


4、Alligator body about 2 meters, like a big lizard.扬子鳄身长约2米,像条大蜥蜴。

5、Beak length, which long with sharp teeth.译文:嘴长,里面长着锋利的牙齿。

6、Back dark brown, some dark green, abdomen gray, the skin is covered with largescales, like heavily armed the same.译文:背部暗褐色,有的呈深绿色,腹部灰色,皮肤上覆盖着大鳞片,像全副武装了一样。

7、It is thick limbs, tail, skills, and their long-even more than the head andbody length combined.译文:它四肢粗壮,尾巴特长,其长甚至超过了头和身体长度的总和。

8、People have alligator known as the"living fossil"because it was two billion yearsago, the dinosaur era to exist, due to changes in the environment, extinction ofdinosaurs and other reptiles, while the Chinese alligator has been continued to this day.译文:人们把扬子鳄称为“活化石”,是因为它在两亿年前的恐龙时代就存在了,由于环境的变化,恐龙等爬行动物灭绝了,而扬子鳄却一直延续到今天。

9、In the Chinese alligator body, still can be found in dinosaurs and other reptiles, many of the features.译文:在扬子鳄身上,至今还可以找到恐龙等爬行动物的许多特征。

10、Today, people study the dinosaurs, in addition to dinosaur fossils, according toother, often used to infer dinosaur alligators living habits.译文:现在,人们研究恐龙时,除了根据恐龙化石以外,也常常以扬子鳄去推断恐龙的生活习性。

11、Therefore, the Chinese alligator for people to study the rise and fall of ancientreptiles, and studies of ancient geology, biological evolution, there is significance.译文:因此,扬子鳄对于人们研究古代爬行动物的兴衰和研究古地质学的生物进化,都有重要意义。


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